Wow! What a fantastic time I had at the 3rd Annual Buns and Roses Tea for Literacy! The figures aren't in yet but we're hoping to top last year's $8,000 raised for this fabulous cause!
I enjoyed tea with seven wonderful readers and was so thrilled to meet new friends and catch up with readers I met last year! Thanks for sharing this special day with me and choosing me as your hostess author! I had a blast!
Thank you to my beautiful daughter, Dianna for sharing tea with me and my readers as well! That's us posing with Queen of the Vampires and Shapeshifters above!
A very special thank you goes to Lorraine Heath, Jane Graves, Candance Havens, Sandy Blair and the entire Buns crew! It was another unforgettable event for a cause that changes lives every day!
Thank you Mrs. Chris Simmie for opening your beautiful home to the authors! I'm still smelling that pinyon wood burning out back! Such a lovely time! You do the work of the angels at The Literacy Center of Richardson!
And last but certainly not least, thank you, thank you, thank you, Mrs. Sherrilyn Kenyon! Your speech moved me to tears. Your books bring me such joy and have taught me much about my chosen genre! You are truly a pioneer for paranormal authors around the world!
~Happy Reading and Writing to all!
Alisha Paige
Ahhh. I'm sooo damn jealous. Love the pigtails! HA.
One of the greatest influences on my writing, Alisha, was the late Dawn Thompson. Not only her books, but workshops I took from her were a great help in getting my career off the ground. I'll never forget her.
Reg~I know! My pigtails are hilarious! We have to wear hats to Buns and Roses and mine would not stay on my head unless I wore!
Susan~Dawn has influenced so many writers. I've heard so many wonderful things about her and her work. I was excited when one of her books was in my Buns and Roses bag at the tea! I can't wait to read it!
It is amazing that the author I like the most is the only author I ever met and it is Sherrilyn Kenyon also. My daughter, who never read books, went with me. She was so moved by how gracious Sherrilyn was and how she cared for all her readers. My daughter started reading books from that time forward. I like a lot of authors and read everything written from about 47 of them. But Sherrilyn Kenyon will always hold a special place in my heart.
I'm so glad you had a blast. Mommies need these moments. I'm even more thrilled your daughter shares the excitement with you. She's got to be writing already. Every time I hear an author taking a daughter along, I hear the young lady is writing as well. ;) Eat lots of chocolate for me!!! I've consumed my limit for the month already. LOL
Please email me at won the drawing for an ebook of your choice.
~Alisha Paige
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